Headache is one of the most common symptoms in the world, in most cases patients consume painkillers in order to relieve the pain, either on their own initiative or as a drug treatment received from the family doctor or neurologist. There are patients who take the painkillers during the attack itself and those who tend to take them even before the pain, since they believe that the pain will be unbearable for them. This phenomenon can cause overuse of painkillers, which may in turn lead to the persistence of headaches as well as various complications. Many studies that have been done have emphasized the connection between body and mind and raised the need for the integration of behavioral therapy in medicine. Behavioral therapy focuses on a persons thinking patterns, behaviors and emotions in order to find solutions to deal with various medical problems. Behavioral therapy can be broadly divided into relaxation, biofeedback and cognitive-behavioral therapy.Our app makes behavioral therapy accessible in the form of relaxation. The application contains audio recordings of relaxations of various types, a log of reports to monitor the headaches and the medications taken, a constant reminder every evening to persist in filling out the follow-up reports, and generating graphs from the log of reports to see the daily and monthly progress.